Tuesday 31 August 2010

One on't cross beams gone owt askew on treadle

It has come to the attention of the forum moderators that a so-called blog has been set up exclusively to propogate propaganda of a sort which treats the mod team with contemptuous mirth and/or also derides us. Despite not owning a thesaurus, we've wasted little time in branding the individual behind this blog as at best unhinged, and at worst really rather very unhinged. Be warned, he'll use every trick in the book - parody, wordplay, irony, talking Labradors and even name-dropping Sigmund Freud(who's DEAD!) - all in an attempt to brainwash you into thinking that we're a bunch of so-called petulant rotters.

Muddyfox wrote:

"I had the misfortune to stumble across this poor excuse for a "blog" while searching Google for banal info that I could pretend I already knew. This so-called blog is certainly not my idea of "comedy". It seems to revel in its own subversiveness in an almost self-congratulatory fashion. I feel I speak for both members of this forum (who are two entirely different persons) when I say that we are a broad church, and that this well-meaning but terribly misguided "blogger" really needs to quickly comprehend that we will not put up with his intolerance. Even his frequent descents into "satirical" self-analysis are conceited. His so-called blog is in very great danger of collapsing in on itself like a black man's hole - hopefully taking 'Skanky Alan' and his so-called runny nose with it. His "deconstructive" approach to the contradictions, instabilities and so-called inevitable futility of arguments on interweb message boards must not be allowed to succeed; at least not until I've had my say.

I also wanted to use the words 'patronising', 'vacuous' and 'asinine'. I'm not entirely sure what they mean, but they sound pejorative enough for someone of my Kaliber."

Thank you, 'Muddyfox'. We can always rely on you for a bit of unbiased common sense. I know that we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I couldn't have put it better if I'd written that myself.

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